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Mosier Creek Fire Recovery

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Mosier is an amazing, generous community, ready and willing to step up in times of need. A huge thank you to everyone who donated, reached out to help, and offered assistance!


In August 2020, a fire on Mosier Creek burned nearly a thousand acres, forcing hundreds to evacuate and destroying over a dozen buildings. An entire family—4 generations—lost ALL of their residential structures, tools, belongings, and recreation equipment.


Knowing these families would be in need of assistance and that there would be an outpouring of support from friends and neighbors, Main Street Mosier positioned itself to be the community connection. We put out a call for donations of goods and services that would help those affected by the fires get back on their feet as smoothly as possible, and Mosier did not disappoint. Hundreds of donations flooded in.


Main Street Mosier coordinated with affected families around receiving the things they needed most and later welcomed other members of the community to "shop" leftover items in exchange for monetary donations to fire-affected families.


What a wonderful example of our community rising up "through the ashes," if you will, to support each other in times of crisis.

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